For those new to my blogging style, the format for this is the header image then a 4 paragraph segment before the Art Feature for the week. The Paragraphs are
- Author Happenings: where I talk about something exciting or annoying that happened this week.
- The Current WIP: What I'm editing, writing, or working on this week. sometimes a quote.
- The Publishing: What step am I at in the process of the Next Release. Right now that's:
The Haunted Angel - The Art Feature: I'll hype up a picture and tell you something about it before I drop it underneath.
All in all, an easy read, and if you'd like to read the first 24, you'll have to go to my Ko-fi page...
~ Enjoy!

Weekly Writing Update:
Author Happenings:
It’s official! The website is up! Besides that I’ve been cleaning and organizing my house in an attempt to declutter and better use the space we have in our tiny apartment.
The Current WIP:
I’m still working on the edit of Discord’s Nightmare. I am now, as of this post, on Chapter Thirty-Three, which is only 5 chapters different from last week, but I’ve been working on the website non-stop since last Wednesday. I wanted to get at least 10 chapters done… if not 15 but time is short and I’m not the greatest at managing it when I have a self-imposed deadline like todays.
In Publishing News:
Nearly all the Betas, at least those that have gotten beyond chunk one, have finished THE HAUNTED ANGEL and I’m hoping to get working on the cover fixes this week!
Art Feature:
This week, You get something special that I’ve had in reserve for a bit. This picture comes from near the end of THE HAUNTED ANGEL and the Betas should recognize it. This is Annabelle… That is all I can say for spoilers sake and no, she is not yet on the Cast of Characters Page.
Thanks for reading!
~Jenn (aka Born Angel Author)
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