
to the Born Angel Universe

An Alternate Universe book saga with 2 intertwining series where:

  • Angels fight Demons and live semi-harmoniously alongside humans
  • "Pantheons" of gods are Angels set over different regions
  • All preternatural and mythical creatures and cryptids descend from Angels
  • and morals aren't quite as black and white as you might think.

First Up: Chaos Theory

ARC Reader Signups for Chaos Theory  NOW OPEN!

Chaos Theory is the action packed sequel to Cry Havoc and the third book of the Deadly Sirens Quartet! You won't want to miss this spicy, gory good time. Chaos brings the spice, the controversy, and the gore to the Created Angel Chronicles! Here are some tropes you'll find in the book:

BE WARNED! This book is NOT for the faint of heart and comes with MANY trigger warnings, so please click the button below and head on over to the book page to skim them, read the blurb, and check out the art or check out the ARC Review page...

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Weekly Newsletter 131: February 8

       The word for this week is UGH! If it could go wrong it did… But it got better and the first batch of Chaos Theory Tee Shirts for the Book box came in. I’m very excited because now I get to wear the new Tee shirt around! Also, as an apology for the longer Life section ramble a snippet from Chaos Theory to go with this weeks Art Feature.

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Weekly Newsletter 130: February 1

       The word for this week is FINISHED! I have done so many words this week that I finished another book, I beat my record for word count per week AGAIN, and I was also a fully functioning adult. Read about it below!

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Weekly Newsletter 129: January 25

       The word for this week is Turbulent. From the state of politics to the state of my emotions and mental health. I decided to do some “Radical” (to some) things in order to help with that last one, and sort of the first… Let me explain… No, it’ll take to long. Let me sum up…

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Weekly Newsletter 128: January 18

       Week 2 of 2025 brought the sickness to my household. It’s not as bad as it could be. I have a dull fever headache, nasal congestion, and a complete lack of energy. I've been treating it with lots of vitamin C, pain meds/fever reducers and rest, which means I’ve stayed off social media for the most part, wrote a staggering amount of words, and FINISHED a first draft!

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Weekly Newsletter 127: January 11

       Well, that first full week of the year was a doozy. The world is a mess and so was my health, which meant I was doing a lot of avoiding the outside world and focusing on my books, promoting, and wishing I could do something about the state of the world, while knowing I’m doing all I can. 🥺

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Weekly Newsletter 126: January 4

       Happy New Year! It’s the first blog of the year, and so far, it’s been a productive year! Health hasn’t been so great, but that’s to be expected when a polar vortex settles over Western New York. The word for 2025, at least for me, is Productivity! Let's see if I can keep it up. 😉

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