Simply Put...

    The Born Angel Universe is a work of fiction created by Jenn A. Morales. It is an Urban/Paranormal Fantasy Saga that contains multiple book series and is set in an Alternate Universe where Angels, Demons, and other non-human/immortal entities live semi-harmoniously among humans.

    The term Universe here is used in the same way you would say that Iron Man is in the Marvel Universe. All the series within this Saga happen in the same Universe, but most will not be at the same time.

      On this website, you will find information about each book, the publishing schedule, a Cast of Characters, illustrations for the books, a blog with news about the series, the author, and even writing tips and tricks, and the Shop where you can order signed copies from the author herself.

About The Books:

    In October of 2021, The Saga began with the publication of A Born Angel (read the first five chapters by clicking the cover), the first book in the ongoing "Grow With Me" series, The Born Angel Novels: The Kalista Chronicles. This series follows the main character Kalista Iliana Angelic, the Daughter of the Devil and Heir to the immortal throne as she navigates a world of prejudices and stigmas surrounding her birth, life, and a set of prophecies that she will fulfill. It now has 4 books and has added some Paranormal (closed door) Romance and Crime Thriller aspects, and is now New Adult.



    In April of 2022, the Saga expanded with The Stained Angel (read the first five chapters by clicking the cover), the first book of the Adult series The Created Angel Chronicles, and each book follows a different Angel. The Stained Angel features Marshal Leighla Tenebrae an Angel of Fate, Light, and Truth as she works alongside the Preternatural and Mythical Creatures Agency to hunt down a serial killer and find out who is abducting Angels. The Second book, The Haunted Angel was published on the 9th of April this year (2023) and the third, Discord's Nightmare released July 17th (2023). (The next book comes out April 9th, 2024)

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