What's happened this week?
I puppy sat again from Monday to Wednesday, but on Wednesday, I was also able to have lunch at the hobby retreat that my mom has been at most of the time I’ve been puppy sitting. It was an amazing couple hours that gave me hope, and I got a couple orders for the preorder hoodie from a friend who preordered the ebook of Haunted Angel! Speaking of preorders, I have gotten 1 more here on the website and 2 more via Amazon this week, none through Google yet. Which brings the total up to a total of 10 so far! Have you ordered yours yet? You can get signed copies in the shop, and ebooks on amazon or google books.
What did I work on?
Well, this week was a wash. I did maybe a chapter. I reconnected the beginning of the December release to the rest of it again, but between puppy sitting and “girl stuff” I’ve not had the brain to do more with the editing… It’s a bit depressing, but it is what it is. I have been working on Art though! I made a couple amazing pictures and I’m going to show you the one from The Haunted Angel at the end of this blog.
How is publishing going?
Still a bit discouraging, but also encouraging in a way. I had more preorders both Amazon and here, but I was hoping… well, I said it last week. I wanted to have a giveaway after ten book preorders by April 1st. Today is the first and only got halfway there. It’s a bit less than I usually have preorder so that is discouraging, but there is still 8 days left to preorder your signed copy! You can also add-on art prints or a hoodie with your order!
now for that Art!
This piece comes directly from the Haunted Angel Chapter Thirty-Three. It is a flashback that Forseti has to the first time he really saw Leighla. They were on the same side of a war, and fought alongside each other, but there were many Angels, and many more humans fighting alongside them, so they had not really seen each other. I've included a little snippet below the picture.
snippet from The Haunted Angel:
Chapter Thirty-Three
I ran through the forest along the river toward the waterfall on the cliffs that I found after the last battle. I stripped from my armor, sending the pieces back to the Fortress room I shared with other Aesir. When I approached the waterfall, a sweet song filled my ears. I paused now nude and slowly approached the edge…
A female voice sang in Irish, a language I couldn’t quite understand back then, but because of the sad soulfulness of her song I learned it…
(redacted paragraphs)
…my heart went to her. I crept to the edge of the cliff… I slipped toward the edge and looked around but didn’t see the woman that belonged to such a soulful voice… My heart fell at her words, and I didn’t know why then, but I did now.
(redacted) I leapt then off the cliff and into the water. When I rose and laid eyes on her, she hid behind a curtain of pure white ringlets, watching me with wide blue eyes in a face that was black as pitch. White stars speckled her skin, and I was lost in the beauty of her.
“Where did you come from?” she asked, glancing up to the top of the waterfall before looking back at me.
That's all folks!
Thanks for reading!
~Jenn (aka Born Angel Author)
Countdown to the next book: 8 Days!

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