Today is the day that Betas get the first chunk of the Christmas book! I know it seems soon, but there are so many reasons, which I will get into in another section. First and foremost, I have that dreaded C-19 again, which means this week hasn’t been very productive with the words... again.

Author's Life
There was really nothing of note for this week in my life, other than I have Covid 19… AGAIN. This is the 3rd time I’ve had it, but the most tame too. I haven't had to go to the ER for fluids or been so sick I couldn't eat (^_^;). The only symptoms I had was a sore throat, that caused my voice change then vanish for a day, sore ears, a foggy brain, and now my nose is draining like a sieve. How do I know it’s Covid and not allergies or the normal yearly cold? I took another test. It was very faintly positive, so I’m very sure I’m on the tail end of this. That and my brain is now less foggy. (^_^;)
Writing & Editing:
I’ve wanted to work on writing this week, but every time I opened the document, I couldn’t focus. I couldn’t think, and my brain hung a “we’re out, be back later” sign. I did however start plotting the book for National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo). If you don’t know what that is, I wrote a blog about it on Wednesday the 4th. I also edited a few chapters of Cry Havoc, which comes out in April. What can I say? I like to be ahead of the game, which was impossible to do this year with four books. I will not be doing that again.
Which brings me back around to the 4th book to release this year, temporarily titled: the Christmas Special, which has been edited, formatted, and is ready for Betas! Why are they getting the Christmas book today? Because there's six weeks until Thanksgiving when I need to have the edits done and the book uploaded. Yes, you read that right. I want to have the Christmas book ready by then, because the preorder starts on November 15th! The proof copy of the Hard Cover edition will be here on Wednesday, and the Cover reveal doesn’t even happen for another 2 and a half weeks so I won't be sharing that unboxing until then. Though I might just use the cover as the art feature for Saturday the 28th… Stay tuned ;)
But first! Is the Halloween book which is The Kalista Chronicles, book 3,

Which you NEED TO read before you get to the good stuff… I say that, because A Broken Redeemer is my Manager’s least favorite book, content wise. It’s a dark book, but necessary in the grand scheme of the Born Angel Universe.
I said it last week, and I’ll say it again now, the sooner you order the sooner I can get the book and goodies to you! Or I hope to, the only thing I’m missing besides the hardcover books are the metal art prints, because my Editor and Merch Maker’s son broke his arm and had to have surgery. (He’s doing well and was such a trooper.)
If you preorder the Book Box, it will not only include a SIGNED book (paperback or hardcover), but some extra goodies (a small coffin shaped notebook, a pen, and a homemade chocolate bar. Hopefully, I can pull that off), bookmark, metal art print, and you can order the new Limited Edition Hoodie!
As I said in last weeks blog, all formats of the book are available for preorder, all the eBook links are at the bottom of the preorder page.
Art Feature:
This week’s art feature is a shot from the book. This is Kalista on the left and Beryx, the Love interest on the right sharing a rather passionate kiss as they are flying. It’s also going to be the Metal Art print for this book!
Anyhow, that’s all folks, thanks for reading!
~Jenn (aka Born Angel Author)
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The rest of this year:

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