Being home feels nice, but I’m still not quite back into the swing of things yet. Had to reset the system to get me back into work mode, especially since my hubby had the week off, but here’s what happened this week…

Author's Life:
I spent all of Monday and part of Tuesday helping the newlyweds get the stuff into their apartment and organized. I left their apartment/house on Tuesday afternoon and took a round about route home so I could stop and see one of my favourite artists and longest running Beta Reader, Dee. I enjoyed seeing all the reptiles she breeds, her kitty Bologna, her partner Stevie, and getting to talk to them about art and hearing about their life out in the sticks of Ohio. It was so fun. (^_^)

Dee and I in her computer room.
Then I left there that evening and got home about 3 a.m. on Wednesday morning. It’s felt like Saturday the past three days, because My Viking has had the week off work to recoup from the remote location work the last 5 weeks. It’s nice having him home, but having him in my sphere while working is challenging, due to performance and social anxiety. (^_^;) Especially when I’m trying to record videos for social media posts, but we make it work…
Writing & Editing:
I have edited nearly ten chapters of the Christmas Book, and I’ve done a little editing/writing in the New Book that I started a couple months ago, I had taken a break from it due to life and deadlines, but I’m hoping to get back into it and have it finished before October. I’ve also done a little bit of editing in Cry Havoc too, but not much as I’ve been busy this week.
Old Business:
The last of the boxes for Discord's Nightmare are out. They went out Friday as I needed a couple days to get back into the groove after Vacation. My body needed time to recover.
New Business:
The Preorder of A Broken Redeemer launched Friday (September 15)! This preorder will not only include the book, but some extra Halloween goodies and a new Limited Edition Hoodie! You can find all of the info on the shop page:
Art Feature:
This week is a sneak peek from the Broken Redeemer Chapter Thirty-Two. In the foreground, are Kalista’s twin sisters Merida and Tatiana. In the background is Lilith/Lilian rolling her eyes at their antics. Below the picture is a snippet from the book.
... They tilted their heads toward each other, and I watched them as dread grew in the pit of my stomach. Lilith stepped into the open doorway and leaned against the jamb to take in the scene.
“You look different. Your aura is—” Merida began.
“Dark, and clouded in shadow,” Tatiana finished, and Lilith scoffed.
“Girls, must you be so creepy. Let’s not focus on the dark things. We have more pressing matters,” she scolded them...
Thanks for reading!
~Jenn (aka Born Angel Author)
For more information and little updates along the way follow me on social media:

The rest of this year:

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