Happy September! This week was slow and a bit sad, but it’s gotten a bit better as I’ve turned my focus on writing, Chaos beta read begins in 2 weeks, and the pre-orders for Kalista book 5 are slower than usual. Also my stance on National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) after their latest shenanigans.

Author's Life:
It is now my favorite 3rd of the year. I love the -ber months of the year. Not only does Daylight savings end, but I shift to winter hours and get to spend more time with my Australian friends while I write, plus there was Labor Day on Monday, recovery (from socializing) on Tuesday, and then got back into the book on Wednesday. I also worked on getting some stuff for the event table in November, and some art for the special “event only” bookmark. I’m also going to make it the “compendium” cover, as it would be perfect for it. (See the art at the end of the newsletter)
Writing & Editing:
I managed to write 10,227 words and most of that was Sunday-Tuesday. An Angel Falls is now 77k words, and 17 chapters. There is also something else that I need to address as I have done NaNoWriMo in the past.
here's the News/tea:
I will no longer have anything to do with NaNoWriMo due to a recent statement they put out about their stance on the use of AI to write and edit books. They have said that "it is ableist and classist to say that people can’t use AI." I do not agree, but here is what they were saying:
They claim that disabled people need AI to write, and some brains just can’t write (this should be a no duh, since NOT EVERYONE IS A WRITER). As someone who is not "Neurotypical", who has both a chronic illness and suffers from chronic pain, plus is neurologically different than the "average" person, I do not agree with them. I know disabled writers and they disagree too.
The Classist claim comes from the price of editors. They say that "those who can’t afford editors HAVE TO use AI to edit." It is outrageous, and absolutely false. There are ways to get your book edited without using the “theft machine” as one author called AI. Those of us who cannot afford editors can find other avenues without resorting to AI. (I should know as I do not have a "Professional" editor but a few editors that I have gathered and love the books.)
I have deleted my NaNo account, and have taken down all my blogs about NaNo. I will NEVER use AI to help write OR edit my books, or make art for them. I will however be participating in writing challenges that are being made by other authors, and using Pacemaker Planner, which has the graphs to help chart the novel and plan how much to write each day to achieve your writing goals.
Now, back to business!
With the Editors:
Maxine still has the 1st section of Chaos Theory, and she’s been having work troubles… So, she hasn’t gotten to it yet. I’m more than a little nervous about that.
The Pre order for An Angel Ensnared is out! And there has been 3 orders here on my website, 0 on Amazon, but at least 2 on Draft2Digital which posts every other eBook option, if you want to see those options CLICK HERE!
Thank you for reading this far, here’s a quote from Angel Ensnared. This comes from Chapter 7:
“I’m glad that you survived the ritual, though I am surprised that you hold Gadreel’s power,” Remiel said, watching me. I tilted my head at the name of the Angeles of Hope, Life, and Peace.
“That was Lorkyn’s Angelic name?” I asked, turning to the spreadsheet and scrolling back to his entry. Gadreel: Angel of Hope, Life, and Peace. Sent by the Maker to present day Scotland after the Fœmoræ wars. Known Triumvirate members Jahleel, Jailah, Lahash, Kemuel, and Gzrel. I only recognized those names because I’d added them yesterday.
What happened to his triumvirates when he died? Did his death lessen them, or did they find another to take his place? I was about to ask when I tuned back into the conversation.
“Diovan was a cunning Demokæ. No one knew his plan until the end,” Beryx said…
Anthology NEWS:
“Where Myths Walk”, my very first anthology release, is now available for kindle preorder!!! CLICK HERE TO PREORDER! It will be available in paperback and hardcover on September 30th!
If you would like to ARC read my story, and review the book on September 30th, fill out the form below.

Thank you for getting this far!
Here’s a Teaser for Chaos Theory chapter 17!
Tonight, I only allowed regulars into the club. With my holy justice fuelled anger on the rise, I was seeing far too much of everyone and my powers refused to shut down, so I couldn’t be sure of anyone’s intentions. An hour passed before everyone got the hint and posted to social media warning anyone thinking about visiting to try another night, because Roxanne was taking extra precautions. Only regulars showed up after that. There was a sudden lull in patrons as nine o’clock rolled around.
My stomach growled, reminding me that I hadn’t eaten since breakfast. I had the sudden craving for some of Aeronwen’s Gumbo.
Art Feature:
This is the bookmark art and the art for the Character Compendium, when I make it. Pictured here are Kalista and Chaos using their fire and having their fiery wings on full display.

Thanks for reading!
~Jenn (aka Born Angel Author)
For more information and little updates along the way follow me on social media:
Mark Your Calendars:
Kalista Chronicles: An Angel Ensnared, book 5
✅Beta Reading: June 21-July26
✅ ARC sign-ups: closes September 1st
~ ARC Reading: starts September 15th
~ Release Day: Thursday, October 31st
Created Angel Chronicles: Chaos Theory, book 5
✅Cover Reveal: Wednesday, July 10th 5pm EDT.
✅ Beta Reader Sign-ups: Wednesday, July 17th - Sunday, September 1st
~ Beta Reading begins: Friday, September 20th - Friday, October 18th.
~ ARC sign-ups begin: October 1st.
~ ARC Reading: March 1st.
~ Release Day: April 9th, 2025

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