The second week of September came in with so much strength and went out kicking ‘n screaming. From our puppy needing a vet visit, to our internet acting up (which is why this is later than usual), and then the WIP needing a bit of a rewrite, refocus, and cleaning up. After Wednesday, I was having a rough time of things.

Important Announcement:
Kalista book 5, An Angel Ensnared is up for Pre order now! In order to get your Hardcovers copies by release day (Halloween) you have to order by Sunday the 15th of September as they take 4 weeks to come in. You can order after that, but I will be putting in the order for Hardcovers on Tuesday the 17th.
Author's Life:
Alright, this week I got a LOT of words written, and I mean a lot, but I have been dealing with headaches and knee pain flare ups, plus issues with the internet, and the puppy has an unknown infection. Puppy is doing better now with antibiotics and probiotics, plus we had a tech out today and he spent 2.5 hours fixing it, running wires, and messing with the modem, it is now working better and faster than ever! He was awesome! That's partially why this got up so late.
Writing & Editing:
This week, I wrote 22,649 words this week, before stopping and going over everything as the book should be coming to a close at 100k+ words. Had to talk with my Manager and get things a bit tightened up, so the words will be less this week, but better for it as I rewrite and hopefully finish it up by Friday.
With the Editors:
Maxine is now on section 3 of Chaos Theory, and only has one left! Which is awesome since betas start reading on Friday!
The Pre order for An Angel Ensnared is out! And there have been 5 orders here on my website (thank you all so much!), still a goose egg on Amazon, but at least 2 on Draft2Digital which posts every other eBook option, if you want to see those options CLICK HERE!
This will be the last Book Box for Kalista:
Why? The anxiety and stress is not worth it for me. From the getting the art printed to ordering tee shirts to see if they print well, and so on, then having the algorithm or emails let me down and it not selling more than 10 boxes (if that). I cannot keep putting myself through the stress.
ARC copies are going out tomorrow, to the 6 people who signed up to ARC read. For the 5 who have signed up for physical copies. I have them. I am just waiting on a couple goodies before sending them out. >_< They got ordered late. I may have to send them separately. >w<
Thank you for reading this far, here’s a quote from Angel Ensnared. This comes from Chapter 7:
“What were you doing with the Ak’Chada (liar)?” I asked as power thrummed through me. I wanted that Fœmoræ’s head. Our mated marks glowed and my vengeance seeking justice aspect wanted to punish Remiel for sitting civilly with the Fœmoræ.
“With what liar? I don’t understand,” Remiel said, but I was beyond words. I flung what I saw into his mind, and he grabbed his head. “Uriel? He’s not a liar.”
I tilted my head and summoned the encyclopaedia U-W. The pages flipped until I found him: Angel of Knowledge, Truth, and Wisdom. Known Triumvirate Members: Amitiel, Zaphkiel, Helel, Penemuel, Zagzagel, and Vretil. I glared at the Ak’Chada’s name then flipped to his entry which I’d been avoiding.
Beta readers will get chunk one
of Chaos Theory this Friday!
Anthology NEWS:
“Where Myths Walk”, my very first anthology release, is now available for kindle preorder!!! CLICK HERE TO PREORDER! It will be available in paperback and hardcover on September 30th!
If you would like to ARC read my story, and review the book on September 30th, fill out the form below.

Art Feature:
I did a lot of writing this week and no new art for the books, so I’m pulling out one of my pictures that I need to redo for Chaos Theory as it changed after the rewrite. Underneath is a snippet that went along with this picture. Just know that it's the changed snippet. I'll do the redo of this pic for next weeks newsletter.

snippet from Chapter 10
Ah, yet another reason to not stay at the dorm. Maybe I would take up Discord’s offer to bunk at her house.
“I’m glad she’s thinking ahead,” I said, and she nodded as Discord took one of the sheet pizza’s downstairs.
“So, what did Vince have to say?” Kotys asked as she opened another box and took a slice, then held it open for me. I took a slice and roughly bit it as I decided what to tell her. Distraction was best.
“Why do people tell me what they found out about my ex?” I rhetorically asked as I set the slice down and pulled out a bottle of rum. I set it in the empty spot on the display then turned back to her. “I should’ve said, ‘Unless you hit him with your car, I don’t wanna know.’ The shock on his face would’ve been worth it.” She snickered, and I stopped with two bottles of wine half out of the bag. “Are you sure we can’t move?”

Thanks for reading!
~Jenn (aka Born Angel Author)
For more information and little updates along the way follow me on social media:
Mark Your Calendars:
Kalista Chronicles: An Angel Ensnared, book 5
✅Beta Reading: June 21-July26
✅ ARC sign-ups: closes September 1st
~ ARC Reading: starts September 15th
~ Release Day: Thursday, October 31st
Created Angel Chronicles: Chaos Theory, book 5
✅Cover Reveal: Wednesday, July 10th 5pm EDT.
✅ Beta Reader Sign-ups: Wednesday, July 17th - Sunday, September 1st
~ Beta Reading begins: Friday, September 20th - Friday, October 18th.
~ ARC sign-ups begin: October 1st.
~ ARC Reading: March 1st.
~ Release Day: April 9th, 2025

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