Only 9 days until An Angel Ensnared comes out! And this blog is late, because I had a hobby weekend/biannual preorder packing weekend. This time I also got a bit more done, despite the other unfortunate events that took place the week leading up to it. Scroll down to find out more!

Author's Life:
Before I get into the good things that happened, here’s the unfortunate events:
- Last Saturday night (the 12th), I fell. I hurt my left hand bad enough that the pain in my thumb was keeping me up at night, I couldn’t put my hand down or the thumb would throb, and after resting it over that weekend, I went to the ER to get it checked out. There are no broken bones, but I did contuse it pretty good. It’s been in a splint/stabilizer since Monday the 14th. It doesn’t hurt as much, though it does feel “fuzzy” if I bend it, so I’m going to leave it in the stabilizer/splint for another week. Which has made some things harder to do, but typing isn’t one of them, since I barely use my left thumb anyhow.
- My desktop computer’s case died. Specifically the power button. It started with the front USB ports, then the headphone jack, and finally the power button as they were all on the same cables. So, until I get a new one and transfer all the insides over, I won’t be doing any art, which sadly includes the cover of An Angel Falls. (If you'd like to give a little to help toward getting a new one, head over to my Ko-Fi page)
Now, for the good things! All the preorders got packed! And—as of this blog—all the packages have been sent out as well (if you ordered, I’ll be sending out the tracking right after posting this blog). Other than prepping for hobby weekend, attending, and packaging, I got to edit a bit, and made a few silicone bead keychains, plus one car mirror hanger/ornament. It was fun to do some crafting again. I miss it, but don’t have time—or the money—for it with reading, writing, editing, social media, and all the other Indie Author side quests along the way.
Writing & Editing:
I read AN ANGEL FALLS to Matt, and it went from 117,450 words to 118,271 words, which isn’t too much of an addition. Next for that book is to let it sit for a month then edit the hardcopy/book format.
In the meantime, I have finished the edits for what I have of Deadly Sirens, which was all of 11 chapters and 44k words, and am working on the edits for Cookies & Rage, so I can finish writing both books. They will come out April of 2026. Yes, I’m trying to stay ahead…
Beta readers:
All but 2 beta readers have finished the Chaos Theory (book 5 of the Created Angel Chronicles), here are some more favorite quotes:
Chunk 1: Chapters 1-10
“We don’t have time for Therapy. We have to get to the club…” ~ Chaos to Zamina
Chunk 2: Chapters 11-20
“That’s not an order. Six spring rolls and a side of fried rice. That’s an order. This is Lou being a self-important a**.” ~ Max to Chaos (acknowledgement: this was said by my manager/emotional support Australian, and I had to write it in. Thank you, Matt for letting me use it. You’re the best!)
Chunk 3: Chapters 21-30
He latched on (redacted words) like a suckerfish on a salt rock.
Chunk 4: Chapters 31-Epilogue
“Elixir of Truth,” I (Chaos) said, tapping the bottle. “Anything you think will possibly stroll right out of your mouth before you register it.”
“I too am polyjamborous…” ~ Chaos
“After that nice long chat we had, why you gotta do me dirty and say I ain’t gots no friends?” ~ Max
- An Angel Ensnared releases in 9 days and you can preorder for another 3 days only!! You can find the shop link by clicking this. And if you want more information about the book, Click the title: An Angel Ensnared.
- The Anthology I was apart of and benefits the Wounded Warriors Project: "Where Myths Walk" is out now until December 30th! You can get it in paperback, hardcover, and ePub now!
Thank you for reading this far, here’s a quote from Angel Ensnared. This comes from Chapter 31,
which goes with the art for this week:
“What’s wrong?” he asked, looking around.
“I just saw the time,” I said, and he shook his head with a sigh.
“The surprise in your aura was a bit strong for that, Nev’da,” he said as he held his hand out to me. I took it and stepped into his arms. I laid my head to his chest and breathed in his scent.
“I wasn’t expecting it to be noon. At Packana’s house, someone would have bothered us before now,” I said, and he kissed the top of my head.
“Perks of having our own home,” he said and picked up my chin.
Art Feature:
Since the Desktop (art machine) is down, you get a picture I did the week of the 12th which picture the 3 Irish fates in modern day clothing. Here we have (from Left to Right) Macha (Mock-uh), Badb (Bov), and Nemain (Nuh-main) or in Modern times, Kassidy, Daya, and Halima.

On Sale in the Store!
Now until Halloween! Kalista Chronicles Bundle:
book 1-4 is 25% of Paperback and Hardcovers, AND 40% off eBooks!
Thanks for reading!
~Jenn (aka Born Angel Author)
For more information and little updates along the way follow me on social media:
Mark Your Calendars:
Kalista Chronicles: An Angel Ensnared, book 5
✅Beta Reading: June 21-July26
✅ ARC sign-ups: closes September 1st
✅ ARC Reading: They're all out!
~ Release Day: Thursday, October 31st
Created Angel Chronicles: Chaos Theory, book 5
✅Cover Reveal: Wednesday, July 10th 5pm EDT.
✅ Beta Reader Sign-ups: Wednesday, July 17th - Sunday, September 1st
✅ Beta Reading Began: Friday, September 20th & ends Friday, October 18th.
~ ARC sign-ups begin: January 3rd.
~ ARC Reading: begins March 1st.
~ Release Day: April 9th, 2025

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