The word for this week is FINISHED! I have done so many words this week that I finished another book, I beat my record for word count per week AGAIN, and I was also a fully functioning adult. Read about it below!

Author's Life:
I finally called the Orthopedic! What got the ball rolling? Well, here's the tea:
Monday morning my husband had a 2x4x8 board fall from a high shelf and smash his thumb against the heavy duty metal shelf below while he was getting something from the lower shelf, dislocating the top digit of his right thumb. This Viking of a man relocated the digit then preceded to work the whole day! When he got home that night, I insisted that he need to go get it checked out and x-rayed. He was hmm-ing and hawing about it, but when he woke up with an even more swollen thumb, he took Tuesday off and allowed me to take him to Urgent Care, where they found he also broke the proximal phalanx, which is the longer second digit of the thumb too.
After getting all the info from workmen's comp for him, we now have appointments back to back at the Orthopedic on February 25th (soonest they could get in a “new patient”) and he has to wear a splint 24/7.
The work Life:
I’ve FINISHED The Fated Angel! Last Saturday, this book had 73,575 words and, as of 11:59 pm on Friday, it now has 146,016 words, 33 chapters, a prologue and an epilogue/mini preview of another book, and it’s FINISHED! Which means I wrote 72,441 words this week and nearly doubled the books word count! I’m still unsure how it happened, but it did. I beat my previous word count record by nearly 13,000 words too! (12,963 to be exact)
Formatting & Editing:
I have edited 5 pages of An Angel Falls this week, because I was so focused on finishing Fated Angel before January was over. I’ve not touched the Omnibus, The Devil’s Daughter, either… They’ll be this months focus as I need to get An Angel Falls to my editors ASAP.
A Quick reminder:
Preorder for the signed physical copies of Chaos Theory starts on Valentines Day! If you’re a fan of the series or just love books in general, tell your sweetie that’s what you want & have them order it. 😉 When you order from me, you can get the book (with bookmark) or the Book Box, which comes with art AND a Tee shirt!
An Angel Ensnared is out!! You can order EVERYWHERE, you can find the links on the book page. You'll also find the blurb, trigger warnings, and art, just click here ➡️An Angel Ensnared.
- You can now PREORDER Chaos Theory on the platforms below! You can also sign up to arc read it here! Thank you again to those who already signed up! You can requested the first 4 books for reviewing as well! Only 8 left!

Art Feature:
For this week, you get the one singular picture I made, which is a Star Wars Fanart. This is going to be the banner for a Star Wars: May the 4th contest over on my Star Wars DeviantArt group. In the picture is Darth Wrath aka Jen’Ari, an OC of mine from the Old Republic Era as she shields against enemy fire from the republic.

Thanks for reading!
~Jenn (aka Born Angel Author)
Mark Your Calendars:
Created Angel Chronicles: Chaos Theory, book 5
~ ARC sign-ups for Chaos Theory begin: January 1st! ⬅️
~ February 14th PREORDER for Chaos Theory begins and ends March 9th for hardcovers, and March 15th for paperback.
~ March 1st: ARCS Sent
~ April 9th, BOOK DAY!
Kalista Chronicles Omnibus, Part 1: The Devil's Daughter
~ January 1st: title Reveal on social media
~ March 1st: Cover Reveal
~ March 8th Kindle Preorder begins
~ May 1st Preorder of Signed copies here on the website.
~ June 8th: BOOK DAY!
The Kalista Chronicles: An Angel Falls, Book 6
~ May 1st Beta signups will open. They close June 8th.
~ Cover Reveal June 1st!
~ June 13th-July 18 Beta Reading
~ July 31st Preorders will begin for Kindle versions.
~ August 18th ARC Signups Open.
~ September 1st: Signed Copy preorder starts here on the website.
~ September 30th: ARCS release.
~ October 31st: BOOK DAY!!!
For more information and little updates along the way
follow me on social media:

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