The word for this week is Turbulent. From the state of politics to the state of my emotions and mental health. I decided to do some “Radical” (to some) things in order to help with that last one, and sort of the first… Let me explain… No, it’ll take to long. Let me sum up…

Author's Life:
First, old business, I didn’t call the Orthopedic yet. Because there were storms this week, and my mental state wasn’t the greatest.
Second, The “Radical” thing I did was delete all my META accounts. Instagram, Threads, & Facebook are all gone. They will disappear in 90 days, they give you that long just to be sure, but I’m not going back. There are plenty of other platforms to use (that I get more interaction on), and don’t line the pockets of kowtowing fascists. That is my last political statement for this blog.
The work Life:
I’ve been focusing on the rewrite of The Fated Angel this week. It went from 35,300 words to 73,575 words as of yesterday morning before I went to bed… at 5:45 a.m. EST. That’s a gain of 38,275.
I also wrote a little of Kalista book 7, during an emotional spiral on Monday. It wasn’t much, only a few thousand words to help me deal with the sad and calm down. It went from 2,309 words to 5,244, which is an addition of 2,935 words. Bringing the word count total for this week to 41,210 words. Which is a whole 13k words less than the previous week.
Formatting & Editing:
I have not edited more of An Angel Falls, or the Omnibus, The Devil’s Daughter, as I’ve been hyper focused on Fated Angel’s rewrite… I even made the cover yesterday, though no one will see it (except Matt, my manager) until next year… around July, 2026. I gave my Beta readers a teaser for it yesterday 😉 just a very cropped image of the couple on the front cover😉
An Angel Ensnared is out!! You can order EVERYWHERE, you can find the links on the book page. You'll also find the blurb, trigger warnings, and art, just click here ➡️An Angel Ensnared.
- You can now PREORDER Chaos Theory on the platforms below! You can also sign up to arc read it here! Thank you again to those who already signed up! You can requested the first 4 books for reviewing as well! Only 8 left!

Art Feature:
A very cute picture of Discord and Chaos hugging near Discord’s bike, which comes from Chapter 8 of Chaos Theory, which you can still sign up to ARC read if you haven’t yet you should! I only have 4 people signed up so far 🥺

Thanks for reading!
~Jenn (aka Born Angel Author)
Mark Your Calendars:
Created Angel Chronicles: Chaos Theory, book 5
~ ARC sign-ups for Chaos Theory begin: January 1st! ⬅️
~ February 14th PREORDER for Chaos Theory begins and ends March 9th for hardcovers, and March 15th for paperback.
~ March 1st: ARCS Sent
~ April 9th, BOOK DAY!
Kalista Chronicles Omnibus, Part 1: The Devil's Daughter
~ January 1st: title Reveal on social media
~ March 1st: Cover Reveal
~ March 8th Kindle Preorder begins
~ May 1st Preorder of Signed copies here on the website.
~ June 8th: BOOK DAY!
The Kalista Chronicles: An Angel Falls, Book 6
~ May 1st Beta signups will open. They close June 8th.
~ Cover Reveal June 1st!
~ June 13th-July 18 Beta Reading
~ July 31st Preorders will begin for Kindle versions.
~ August 18th ARC Signups Open.
~ September 1st: Signed Copy preorder starts here on the website.
~ September 30th: ARCS release.
~ October 31st: BOOK DAY!!!
For more information and little updates along the way
follow me on social media:

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