Week 2 of 2025 brought the sickness to my household. It’s not as bad as it could be. I have a dull fever headache, nasal congestion, and a complete lack of energy. I've been treating it with lots of vitamin C, pain meds/fever reducers and rest, which means I’ve stayed off social media for the most part, wrote a staggering amount of words, and FINISHED a first draft!

Author's Life:
Because I was sick, I didn’t get to call the Orthopedic on Monday. I will hopefully call them Tuesday (as Monday is Martin Luther King Day here in the US). I also had to reschedule my other appointment today. Cause the last thing I want to do is go to a doctor’s office while sick, especially when it’s a specialist’s office. It’s inconvenient to reschedule, but I’d rather not spread this.
The work Life:
For the writing, I finished out Deadly Sirens at 113,560 words on Tuesday, but then added 100 more words, rounding it out to 113,669. That’s a growth of 21,869 words!
I also started writing Kalista book 7, and yes, I know I said that bit I wrote with Discord was going to be the prologue, but it didn’t work. It’ll make it into the book as a flashback though. The book currently has 2,309 words, but…
Then I flipped to the rewrite of Created Angel Novels, book 7: The Fated Angel, which has been running around my mind for WEEKS. As of this newsletter, it has 35,300 words. Which brings the word count for the week to 59,478 words and a new record for me. 🤩
Formatting & Editing:
I also edited 5 more chapters of An Angel Falls, which is one fifth of the book of the Kalista Chronicles and a heartbreaker. I’m also working on formatting/editing the Omnibus, The Devil’s Daughter, which is now 33% done and I’ve finished the edit of book 1: A Born Angel.
Preorder Announcement:
On Friday February 14th, the physical copy preorders of Chaos Theory will go on sale and will be open until April 8th, BUT to get the book on Release Day April 9th, you need to order the hardcover by the latest March 9th, and March 15th for the Paperbacks.
All books bought in the shop are signed.
Here's the price breakdown for the US (cause I like to let you all know in advance):
If you are outside the US and want a signed copy and such, there will be a form on the page to fill out so I can get a price work up for you and send a Paypal invoice. (Serious inquiries only)
- Just the Paperback: $20 (+7.50 S&H)
- Just the Hardcover: $25 (+7.50 S&H)
- Paperback+ (Tee, Art, stickers, and bookmark) $70 (+7.50 S&H)
- Hardback+ (Tee, Art, stickers, and bookmark) $75 (+7.50 S&H)
Note: You can add more books to the cart, just be aware that there will be separate shipping for it as the shipping comes to an average of about $7.50 per book.
2nd Note: the ebook will be under the eBook listing

An Angel Ensnared is out!! You can order EVERYWHERE, you can find the links on the book page. You'll also find the blurb, trigger warnings, and art, just click here ➡️An Angel Ensnared.
- You can now PREORDER Chaos Theory on the platforms below! You can also sign up to arc read it here! Thank you again to those who already signed up! You can requested the first 4 books for reviewing as well! Only 8 left!

A Sad note:
The Kalista Chronicles Omnibus: The Devil's Daughter will sadly, NOT be on Kindle Unlimited, because I would have to add the three books that are included in it (A Born Angel, A Brave Sacrifice, and A Broken Redeemer) to KU as well and remove them from all the other sites, which defeats the purpose. I will still be putting out the omnibus, but it won't be on KU... it will be WIDE.
Art Feature:
This week’s art features the Tee Shirt for Chaos Theory alongside the other two sirens shirts. Yes, I know I said I wasn’t going to do another book box. I lied or technically I didn’t, because I said I wasn’t going to do another Kalista Chronicles book box. So, to round out the Triumvirate of Deadly Sirens, I made a shirt for Chaos. I’m probably going to also do one for Deadly Sirens (April 2026) too.
Thanks for reading!
~Jenn (aka Born Angel Author)
Mark Your Calendars:
Created Angel Chronicles: Chaos Theory, book 5
~ ARC sign-ups for Chaos Theory begin: January 1st!
~ February 14th PREORDER for Chaos Theory begins and ends March 9th for hardcovers, and March 15th for paperback.
~ March 1st: ARCS Sent
~ April 9th, BOOK DAY!
Kalista Chronicles Omnibus, Part 1: The Devil's Daughter
~ January 1st: title Reveal on social media
~ March 1st: Cover Reveal
~ March 8th Kindle Preorder begins
~ May 1st Preorder of Signed copies here on the website.
~ June 8th: BOOK DAY!
The Kalista Chronicles: An Angel Falls, Book 6
~ May 1st Beta signups will open. They close June 8th.
~ Cover Reveal June 1st!
~ June 13th-July 18 Beta Reading
~ July 31st Preorders will begin for Kindle versions.
~ August 18th ARC Signups Open.
~ September 1st: Signed Copy preorder starts here on the website.
~ September 30th: ARCS release.
~ October 31st: BOOK DAY!!!
For more information and little updates along the way
follow me on social media:

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