Another loooong week for this author. Between Writing, anxiety of packages possibly arriving late, and hobby weekend I got a lot done, so there’s a LOT to talk about… Though, a lot less than last week. ^_^;

Author's Life:
The paperbacks of CRY HAVOC arrived on Monday, and the Hardcovers arrived Wednesday! I’m so happy they arrived early! I went to a Hobby Retreat this weekend (Thursday 14 - Saturday 16) and I took all the books to get them packed up. I found that I was short one paperback and had one extra Hardcover, which ended up working out because my mom ordered while we were there, so she got that one. The preorders will be going out this week! So, if you have ordered, be on the lookout for a shipping notification.
If you still want to preorder, see the “Publishing” section for details!
Writing & Editing:
Since last week. I have written another 18,848 words in “The Stolen Soulmate” (tentative title), and failed the challenge on day 9, due to lack of sleep after a bad pain day/night and preparing for my hobby retreat. I was a little sad that I didn’t break ten days, but I also knew with the preorder coming up and with the hobby retreat that I’d not be able to reach my goals.
I haven’t edited any more of An Angel Ensnared this week (You can sign up to ARC or BETA read this one, if you've read the first four of the Kalista Chronicles).🫣I was writing The Stolen Soulmate the first half of the week and already had a rewrite which ditched nearly 20k words, due to going from 2 point of view(POV) to 1 POV. I did it Begrudgingly but happily, because it was giving me problems, I have a hard time “head hopping” or switching POV. I really do write best as first person POV.
I now have 10 preorders of Cry Havoc and all but two are all packed and ready to go out! I’ll be getting a few more hardcovers in this week, and a couple more paperbacks next week. So, if you want to preorder them and get them BEFORE release day, hurry on over to the shop!
There are still 24 days until Release Day! And you can still order ALL formats (but I cannot Guarantee that the Hardcovers will be there by Release Day April 9th). UNLESS YOU ORDER ASAP. I have one paperback and 2 hardcover copies up for Release Day Delivery! First come, first serve!
I also have 2 paperback copies of the 2nd Edition of the Stained Angel and 2 Hardcover copies available too! They’re coming in this week also! ORDER NOW!
Art Feature:
This picture is simply called “The Twins” and is a print for the CRY HAVOC preorder, which is on the backside of “The Romantic Date” (pic from February’s blog). I still have 4 or 5 of them, so first come first serve to get the prints too!

These two in the frame are Fríða Victory MacBeth and her brother Leifur, and yes, they are twins, and they are both in access of six feet…
Thanks for reading!
~Jenn (aka Born Angel Author)
For more information and little updates along the way follow me on social media:

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