It’s August and let me just say that I am glad to leave July behind. It was a shitshow and it’s time to get back to the writing again! Almost… Just a few things left to do to get everything ready for An Angel Ensnared Arcs & Preorders, plus the Chaos Theory Beta Reading!

Author's Life:
The week bulldozed me. After the reunion last Saturday, I got to recharge a bit Sunday and Monday, then had an early scary wake up call Tuesday, took hubby to the ER (He’s doing better, it was a kidney stone.) Wednesday, the sinus infection that’s been circling around ambushed us. He’s got it worse than I do— I think that’s due to the Kidney Stone issue— but I have intense brain fog issues. Thursday, we had a stressful phone call. Friday, I ran errands in that brain fog, and it took me hours to recharge enough to even write this blog. It’s been a LONG week, BUT I did manage to get some author stuff done in spite of everything…
Writing & Editing:
I’m working on reading through An Angel Ensnared one last time to make sure all the edits got in and none were missed. I'm on chapter 16 of 39.
I have not written anything in An Angel Falls, BUT I did write 6,242 words in the Greek Goddess Anthology story that I’d been putting off and letting percolate. I do need to finish this story, so hopefully I’ll be done with that soon and Ensnared so I can work on Angel Falls.
With the Editors:
Maxine now has the 1st section of Chaos Theory… and I haven’t heard anything since I gave it to her, though she's had a few life upsets lately.
Matt has finished Discord’s Nightmare on Monday, and started Broken Redeemer last night! Woot-woot! I should have it up by Wednesday, *fingers crossed* hopefully!
An Angel Ensnared is up for ARC review in less than a month! Only another 28 days to sign up for that! You get your choice of paperback, eBook, or pdf format. I only have 2 paperbacks left! So, sign up soon!! Don’t forget to check your email (and reply with your address if you chose a paperback copy)!
Thank you for reading this far, here’s a quote from Angel Ensnared. This comes from Chapter 16:
“…Besides, recklessly pursuing justice and helping others to your own detriment is what you do best…”
New Covers update:
As of today, 7 of 8 books have their new covers! I hope to get A Broken Redeemer published by Wednesday!
Merch News!
I realized this week, that I have been missing out on a golden opportunity to sell some merch via amazon! I'm going to start selling Notebooks. They will be 8x11, wide ruled, and feature Characters from the BAU, some of the Chibis that I've drawn, or book covers.
More book news!
Anthology #1
“Where Myths Walk”, my very first anthology release, will be on sale, through amazon from September 30th and December 31st. 11 self-published authors (including me) have each written a short story about a mythical creature. All proceeds for this book will go to the Wounded Warriors Project!
Warning: each story will contain some scenes of a sexual nature, only one is implied/fade to black, and it’s not mine ;P. I should have a link very soon for all of you! I’ll add it here in the Newsletter, and on my socials when the preorder drops.

Next up for Beta Reading:
Beta Reading Signups for Chaos Theory are Open until September 1st! Beta Reading will start September 20th, and end on October 18th!
WARNING: this book has graphic scenes between to consenting adults! It also has gore, death, vulgar language, a “gentlemen’s club”, and lots of snark! MARK YOUR CALENDARS!
Thanks for getting this far! Here’s a Teaser for Chaos Theory chapter 8!
“Matt’s here?” I asked, and she nodded. “Isn’t he working the Angelic Abduction case?”
“He is,” she said pulling a set of keys from her jacket pocket. “We need to stop by the shop to get you a change of clothes.”
I looked down at my torn sleeves and the dried blood. “Why? This is perfect for hunting." She smirked, but there was a gleam in her eyes, and a joke bubbled to my lips before I could stop it, “You just wanna get me naked.”
Her smirk turned seductive, and blush burned up my cheeks. Was Zamina’s power still affecting me, or was this actually me?
“If I wanted you naked, I would just take you back to my house…”
Art Feature:
For this week we’re going to jump back a couple books to A Brave Sacrifice, and show you a picture that I’ve been wanting to do, but didn’t have the PC for. Then I just decided to go for it a couple weeks ago. This comes from the scene where Lilith and her girls Merida and Tatiana come to the Outskirts to see Kalista. Kalista is in the middle of that Ginger group hug. It was an adorable yet sad reunion.

FOR A LIMITED TIME, you can get all 8 new covers for 25% off, and you can preorder them until the 8th! The Special will run until August 18th, which is my dad’s birthday. Anyone who preorders will be entered into a giveaway to win a FREE Chaos Theory T-shirt, which features the label for the Preternatural liquor that's featured in every Created Angel Chronicles Book!
Books that are preordered will be shipped after I receive them, which will probably end up being in mid-August possibly early September.
As a thank you for ordering from my site, when I send over the tracking number, you’ll receive a 25% off coupon to use on any item in my shop, which means you could save it for the Angel Ensnared Preorder when it opens on September 15th😉.

Thanks for reading!
~Jenn (aka Born Angel Author)
For more information and little updates along the way follow me on social media:
Mark Your Calendars:
Kalista Chronicles: An Angel Ensnared, book 5
✅Beta Reading: June 21-July26
➡️ ARC sign-ups: closes September 1st⬅️
~ ARC Reading: starts September 15th
~ Release Day: Thursday, October 31st
Created Angel Chronicles: Chaos Theory, book 5
✅Cover Reveal: Wednesday, July 10th 5pm EDT.
➡️ Beta Reader Sign-ups: Wednesday, July 17th - Sunday, September 1st.⬅️
~ Beta Reading begins: Friday, September 20th - Friday, October 25th.
~ ARC sign-ups begin: October 1st.
~ ARC Reading: March 1st.
~ Release Day: April 9th, 2025

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