Weekly Newsletter 112: September 27

Published on 28 September 2024 at 01:25

      It's the Last weekend of September and last weekend to order An Angel Ensnared and insure it get to you by release day! Also, I’ve some exciting news to share, that I’m quite nervous about. Read more below.

Author's Life:

     This week, I was mostly relaxing and enjoying Star Wars Jedi Survivor, but on Wednesday, I got back into the edit/rewrite of Kalista book 6. I also contacted the Library about the Indie Author Day (November 2nd) as there wasn't any further detail on the website. Unfortunately, they’re not doing a tradeshow style sales portion like they’ve done in previous years but, here’s the exciting news, I got asked to speak about Social Media Branding and Promoting!

      If you know me, you know that public speaking isn’t my forte, and I feel a bit underqualified due to only having about 4.5k followers at the most on any platform. However, I do have a lot of information about both topics, and I love sharing information to help better other authors experiences. So, I said yes. I’m going to be a nervous ball of energy, and I will be posting the basis of my talk in the “Business Blog” section of my website. So, keep your eyes peeled for that.

    Lastly, I have a few appointments this week for medical procedures and reviews (CT scan for abdominal pain, and Endocrine appointment to review thyroid numbers). I'd appreciate any thoughts, prayers, and good vibes you could send my way. I'm also dealing with depression due to lack of sales, preorders, and just general interaction everywhere. Life has been busy for everyone, things have become more expensive, and I know I'm the "Low man on the totem poll", but after a year of struggling, it's getting to me. 

Writing & Editing:


I have rewritten/edited a few more chapters of Kalista Chronicles, book 6: An Angel Falls. I’ve made it to chapter 20 of 22. I may end up ditching the 2 chapters as the rewrites have taken the book in a different direction now.

With the Editors:

Maxine has finished reading Chaos Theory! (Though I still have to add in the last 8 chapters of edits)


      LAST CALL TO ORDER An Angel Ensnared and get it on release day! You can find the shop link by clicking this. And if you want more information about the book, Click the title: An Angel Ensnared.

    The ARC copies were sent out yesterday! If you have not gotten an email with tracking info, please check your spam folder. 

Thank you for reading this far, here’s a quote from Angel Ensnared. This comes from Chapter 15:

      … my phone started ringing the tone I assigned to Uncle Cannon. “Hold that thought for a moment.” I slid the pentacle across the screen as I stood and walked away from the chairs. She didn’t need to worry about the safety of the house. “Gokta,” I greeted in Demoki.

      “Is there any power signature on the books?” Uncle Cannon asked, and I walked back to the nook. I opened my power but found nothing.

      “None, whatsoever,” I said, running my hand along the ink, but it was dry. “The ink is dry too.”

      “The page was there yesterday though?” he asked. I confirmed, and he cursed. “I can only think of one explanation.”

      “How can you be so sure? I can think of five possibilities,” I said, and sorely wished I hadn’t because both Uncle Cannon and Makumae were now waiting for an explanation.

Art Feature:

      For this week, I didn’t do any art. My desk chair was holding all the things for the ARC copies and Pre-orders, so here’s a picture from Chaos Theory that I’ve been holding on to… If you follow me on DeviantArt you’ve seen this, but it comes from the Prologue (snippet below the picture):

snippet from Chaos Theory's Prologue:

      They say that Death rides a pale horse. They are wrong. The first time I saw Death, I was fifteen, an inexperienced boy, even though I was called a man. I thought I was hallucinating. She rode a horse whose skin burned like living coal with a single horn in the middle of its forehead and a flaming mane that matched its rider’s.

      She stood with our enemies proud, tall, and breathtaking. Her wings of white and flaming orange stood out against the dark grey storm clouds that blew in from the coast. Her hair burned, crackled, and floated like flames. Her armour was mostly leather with metal accents. Skulls with glowing white eye sockets and a variety of bones were tacked onto her armour like medals.

On Sale in the Store!

Now until Halloween! Kalista Chronicles Bundle: book 1-4 is 25% of Paperback and Hardcovers,

AND 40% off eBooks!

Thanks for reading!

~Jenn (aka Born Angel Author)

For more information and little updates along the way follow me on social media:

Mark Your Calendars:

Kalista Chronicles: An Angel Ensnared, book 5

Beta Reading: June 21-July26
✅ ARC sign-ups: closes September 1st
✅ ARC Reading: starts Soon... Just waiting on Stupid snail mail...
~ Release Day: Thursday, October 31st

Created Angel Chronicles: Chaos Theory, book 5

Cover Reveal: Wednesday, July 10th 5pm EDT.
✅ Beta Reader Sign-ups: Wednesday, July 17th - Sunday, September 1st
✅ Beta Reading Began: Friday, September 20th & ends Friday, October 18th. 
~ ARC sign-ups begin: January 3rd.
~ ARC Reading: begins March 1st.
~ Release Day: April 9th, 2025

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