This week, work got done! From posting on all of my social media, to writing, editing, and even a comic book page as a promo for An Angel Ensnared. And that’s just the book stuff!
There is only one more week to sign-up to Beta read An Angel Ensnared (Arc reading signups are open until September 1st)

Author's Life:
From walking Bella twice every single day, to meal making, dish washing, organizing the laundry room, decluttering, and talking to the endocrinologist about my thyroid bloodwork being worse with meds, it’s been a BUSY week! The only problem is that my body is talking to me, which makes it harder to concentrate on writing and editing, so I turned my creativity toward a promotional comic book page for An Angel Ensnared, which you’ll see down in the "Art Feature" portion of this Newsletter!
An Angel Falls (Kalista Chronicles book 6) went from 3,979 words to 16,266 for a gain of 12,287. All but 96 of those were written from Saturday to Monday. 😅 Tuesday I woke up with a migraine, after overdoing it Monday (I put in our air conditioner by myself… it’s a beast to lift). While I was hurting and in a funk, I listened to my favorite book that I’ve written to date… Read more about that in the “Current Read” section of this Newsletter. It’s after the art feature.
I’ve gotten none of Chaos Theory(Created Angel Chronicles: book 5) edited this week (I will be editing all day today!), and I rewrote up to chapter 3 of Cookies and Rage. Maxine sent me back chunk 1 of An Angel Ensnared yesterday, and I got all the edits in. She’s hooked all over again 😉 and has started chunk 2... I think.
I’ve gotten in some more ARC reviews of Cry Havoc, all ⭐⭐⭐⭐.
🥹 You are all so nice. Thank you!🥹
Now, for the call out! The Beta Signups will be closing on JUNE 1ST! So if you were thinking about it, please Sign up!!
- If you’ve read up to Kalista Chronicles: An Angel's Advent,
- If you have a few weeks in June/July free (June 21st-July 26th),
- Are interested in Beta Reading book 5: An Angel Ensnared, head on over to the Beta Reader information page, and carefully read over what I need in Beta Readers before signing up.
- ARC Signups are now open! If you'd rather read and review the book instead of reporting errors or giving me needed feedback, this is for you!
- ARCs will be sent out on SUNDAY September 15th!
- If you have not read the first 4 books, but want to BETA/ARC read, and think you can read them by June 21st or September 14th, send me a message on any of my social media (listed below) or send me an email at with the subject line “Beta Reading An Angel Ensnared” and we can work on getting you the first 4 books.
Next for BETA reading:
If you have read up to CRY HAVOC in the Created Angel Chronicles, I will be opening up the Beta Reading Signups for Book 5: Chaos Theory on Wednesday, July 17th, as I want to get the beta reading done BEFORE the holidays. Beta Reading will start September 20, and end on October 25th. I know this is a week before An Angel Ensnared releases, but again, I want this DONE before the holidays. I did not enjoy the rush for Cry Havoc. And Chaos deserves all the attention, love, and just... She's my favorite Created Angel Book... to date, so please, SIGN UP! It's gonna be AWESOME!
Teaser Quote:
“Are you prepared to disobey a direct order?”
“When it’s from Lou, any day of the week.”
Art Feature:
This week’s art feature is another scene from An Angel Ensnared, this one is the morning after that scene in the library, and shows Beryx and Kalista in the Kitchen of Lucifer’s mansion. This is not my first comic page, but it is the only one that is still “canon.” I created one for An Angel Falls, but since that scene may no longer happen, it is possibly out. So, Enjoy this scene where Kalista meets her father-in-law… And Beryx actually meets his father for the first time…

My current reads:
I'm currently reading through and editing Chaos Theory, and rewriting Cookies and Rage... I'm getting there. It's just hard to focus, cause I'm thinking about Deadly Sirens... (which comes directly after Chaos Theory)

I got to relisten to this book as a "I need a pick me up" this week. I forgot about so many little things, and I love it so dang much. (Temp Cover) I'll tell you one thing: It's about Ashalynn. The toddler from Discord's Nightmare and the Tween from the prologue/epilogue of The Broken Redeemer.

Thanks for reading!
~Jenn (aka Born Angel Author)
For more information and little updates along the way follow me on social media:

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